An evaluation on industrial applications using leakage inductance and series capacitance converter
- Gundala Srinivasa Rao CMR college of engineering & technology
- Tellapati Anuradha Devi Vardhaman College of Engineering
- Kambhampati Venkata Govardhan Rao St. Martin's Engineering College
- Thalanki Venkata Sai Kalyani St. Martin’s Engineering College
- Malligunta Kiran Kumar Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation
- B. Srikanth Goud Anurag University
- K. S. Bhargavi Vignan institute of technology and science
- CH Naga Sai Kalyan Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology
- Srungaram Ravi Teja Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation
- M. Sai Prasad Reddy Vignana Bharathi Institute of Technology
Leakage Inductance and Series Capacitance (LLSC), Resonant converters, Industrial electronicsAbstract
The Leakage Inductance and Series Capacitance (LLSC) resonant converters are exhaustively employed in a wide assortment of industries involving consumer electronics due to their benefits of good efficiency, higher power density, immunity to electromagnetic interference, low EMI and harmonic distortion, wide production extends, voltage stress is lowered and frequency at high operating characteristic. Three of the most prominent converters with LLSC topologies are explored along with thorough analyses of their merits and disadvantages. The background of LLSC resonant converters are also discussed. A significant amount of research is also being done regarding large - scale production of LLSC resonant converters, namely in order to charge electric automobiles (EVs), solar systems, LED lighting drivers, and power supply for LCD TVs. Eventually, the growth of LLSC resonant converter is explained.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Gundala Srinivasa Rao, Tellapati Anuradha Devi, Kambhampati Venkata Govardhan Rao, Thalanki Venkata Sai Kalyani, Malligunta Kiran Kumar, B. Srikanth Goud, K. S. Bhargavi, CH Naga Sai Kalyan, Srungaram Ravi Teja, M. Sai Prasad Reddy

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