Cartagena: Between Industrial Progressand Social Backwardness


  • Karina Acosta Ordoñez


Cartagena, crecimiento económico, refinación de petróleo, sector petroquímico, puertos, desarrollo social


Cartagena de Indias, located on the Colombian Caribbean coast and capital of the department of Bolívar, is currently going through a decisive moment in its economic history. Two of its key sectors are undertaking ambitious projects: an expansion and modernization of the existing oil refinery and an increase in the capacity and efficiency of its port facilities, ranked as the best in the Colombian Caribbean. However, in contrast to its dynamic economy, Cartagena has shown few improvements in its social indicators. This paper describes the industrial and port development of Cartagena, as well as some of its social indicators. The city has specialized in petrochemicals and plastics, and has had in recent years one of the highest growth rates in tax revenues among Colombian cities. However, poverty and social inequality are persistently high. One promising trend is the growth of participation in the labor market, though it is mainly due to increases in temporary employment. The paper also discusses the city’s future perspective and the challenges it faces.


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How to Cite

Acosta Ordoñez, K. (2019). Cartagena: Between Industrial Progressand Social Backwardness. Economía & Región, 7(1), 5–67. Retrieved from