La infraestructura y el acceso a las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) en América Latina, 2000 - 2007


  • Raul Acosta Mesa


Economía del conocimiento, tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC), brecha digital, infraestructura y acceso, PIB per cápita


This paper examines the availability and access to ICTS in Latin America between 2000 and 2007. We use an empirical model to test if there is an association between the availability and access to ICT and per-capita income across the region. The literature surveyed suggests that in emerging economies the digital gap is related to the socioeconomic conditions of the population. We find a significant association between GDP per-capita and the availability and access to ict in 21 Latin American countries, as indicated by the canonical coefficient of a discriminant function. A synthetic indicator is also constructed so that intraregion comparisons can be made, letting us identify those countries with more potential for progress.


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How to Cite

Acosta Mesa, R. (2019). La infraestructura y el acceso a las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) en América Latina, 2000 - 2007. Economía & Región, 4(2), 133–164. Retrieved from