Trade Balance and Nominal Exchange Rate Volatility: A Time-Series Study for Colombia


  • Pedro Hugo Clavijo Cortez


Balance comercial, Tipo de cambio nominal, Volatilidad, Cointegración


This article aims to determine whether the trade balance and nominal exchange rate volatility in Colombia hold a stable long-term relation. To prove the existence of this relationship I use some techniques for the study of time series. In particular, I use the ARDL cointegration methodology for the period 2001m01 — 2016m09, and the results suggest that the volatility of the exchange rate and the trade balance are cointegrated. Additionally, I use the Granger test to establish some causality between the series. According to the results, the causality runs from the trade balance to the volatility.


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How to Cite

Clavijo Cortez, P. H. (2019). Trade Balance and Nominal Exchange Rate Volatility: A Time-Series Study for Colombia. Economía & Región, 11(1), 37–58. Retrieved from