Determinants of Mortality and Acute Diarrheal Diseasesin Children Under Five Years of Age in Colombia
Mortalidad en la niñez, enfermedades diarréicas agudas, EDA, raza, saneamiento, vivienda, modelo probitAbstract
This study analyzes the effects that the sanitary characteristics of their dwellings have on the health of children under five years of age in Colombia. Specifically, I address the impact of these factors on mortality and on the prevalence of acute diarrheal diseases (ADD). I also estimate the impact of ethnic origin on the health condition of children under five. A Probit model is used with data from the 2010 Colombian National Population and Health Survey (ENDS by its Spanish acronym). The results show that improvements in the supply of drinking water, in the infrastructure of dwellings and the mothers’ education reduce the prevalence of ADD. Also, improvements in the quality of dwellings and in the education of mothers have the highest impact on mortality reduction. The analysis shows a statistically significant impact of racial origin on child mortality but not on ADD.